Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 8
Adding Form Input Controls
Fasten your seat belt, because the next few chapters will be fast-paced.
We're going to crank up the webmail application by giving life to the
pages that we laid out in the previous chapter and using all kinds of
nifty Stripes features. We'll start with the three pages that deal with
email messages: the Message List, Message Details, and Message Com-
pose pages.
The Message List page shows the messages that are in a folder. Each
message has a link that displays the text of the message in the Mes-
sage Details page. The user can write and send emails in the Message
Compose page.
There's a lot going on in these pages. In this chapter, we'll concentrate
on using the different types of form input controls—checkboxes, radio
buttons, and so on. In the next chapter, we'll discuss the other features
that we need to finish implementing the three message pages.
A few supporting classes—model classes, a DAO, and type converters—
are involved here, but I don't want to spend too much time and space
discussing the details because they don't involve anything we haven't
seen before. So, let's briefly discuss the essentials. The classes involved
in supplying information about folders and messages are illustrated in
Figure 8.1 , on the next page.
• The Folder model class represents a folder and contains a List of Mes-
sage objects, which contain the information concerning an indi-
vidual message: who it's from, the subject, the message text, and
so on.
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