Java Reference
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public enum Section {
MessageList("Messages", MessageListActionBean. class ),
ContactList("Contact List", ContactListActionBean. class ),
Compose("Compose", MessageComposeActionBean. class );
private String text, beanclass;
Section(String text, Class<? extends ActionBean> beanclass) {
this .text = text;
this .beanclass = beanclass.getName();
public String getText() { return text; }
public String getBeanclass() { return beanclass; }
The default event handler forwards to menu.jsp . This is where we display
the menu:
Download email_16/web/WEB-INF/jsp/common/menu.jsp
<c:forEach var="section" items="${actionBean.sections}">
<c:when test="${section eq actionBean.currentSection}">
<span class="currentSection"> ${section.text} </span>
<s:link beanclass="${section.beanclass}" class="sectionLink">
The JSP goes through the sections provided by MenuViewHelper . The test
at Ê determines whether the section is currently selected and displays a
highlighted label in that case. Otherwise, a link to the section is created
at Ë , using the action bean class name and text. With the event omitted,
the link uses the default event handler of the action bean.
The menu view helper is now ready to use. How do we embed it in the
layout_menu.jsp ?
issues a request and includes the response within the
original JSP.
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