Game Development Reference
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7. Add a repeat … loop, and in the slot, place the length of <cannon-x> variable. In this
case, it won't mater which list variable you use because both lists are of equal length.
8. Then, inside the repeat loop, change the value of change <i> to 1 to start
couning up.
9. Atach a go to x:... y:... block.
10. In the empty slot behind the x slot, place an item 1 of <cannon-x> block.
11. Place the same block in the y slot, but change the referenced list to cannon-y .
12. Replace the fixed numbers with the i variable. This will cause the script to step
through the list with each repeat and increase the i variable.
13. Finish this script with the important step create clone of myself . This should sill
be placed inside the repeat loop.
14. Create another script for the created clones staring with a when I start as a
clone block.
15. Just like we did with the cannon clones, add a go to front block to make sure
the cannonballs are placed above the other sprites.
16. Then, we show the clone to make it visible on the stage.
17. Let them point towards the mouse pointer by using the point towards
<mouse-pointer> block.
18. Add a repeat loop. The default number of 10 is fine.
19. Inside the repeat loop, place a move 10 steps block. You can leave the default
number here as well.
20. At the end of the script, outside the repeat loop, place a delete this clone block.
21. Let's not forget to save the project again. The scripts for the cannonballs allow the
them to be placed and moved across the stage.
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