Game Development Reference
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Next, update the rest of the walk right costume, by performing the following steps:
1. To select the robot's right arm and hand together, click on the Select buton, press
the Shift key, and then click on both. There will be a light-gray box around the
selected parts.
2. While the robot's right arm and hand are sill selected, press and hold the Shit key,
and click on the Forward a layer buton to bring both to the top.
3. To select the robot's right leg joint and the leg together, click on the Select buton,
press and hold the Shift key, and then click on both the robot's right leg joint and the
leg. While the Shit key is sill pressed, click on the Forward a layer buton to bring
the right leg joint and the leg to the front.
4. Select the Reshape tool, and adjust the upper torso and the lower torso accordingly.
5. Click on the Select tool.
6. Select the right foot, and click on the Flip left-right buton to lip it horizontally.
7. Adjust the foot's locaion.
8. We are done with the costume.
Refer to the following screenshot:
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