Game Development Reference
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5. Drag out a if () else () block.
6. Update it to be a if (my_grid_idx < bad_food_start_grid_idx) block. If this true,
then add the then and switch costume to (pick random good_food_start_cos_idx
to ()) blocks; enter 8 . The costumes with index ranging from good_food_start_
cos_idx to num_costumes are good. The variable bad_food_start_grid_idx
controls whether bad food should show in this grid. For example, if the value of
bad_food_start_grid_idx is 2, then bad food will show from grid 2 and up.
This is to tweak the Hunger Run difficulty level. If bad_food_start_grid_idx is
low, bad food would show sooner, thus the game, harder.
7. If the condiion in the if (my_grid_idx <bad_food_start_grid_idx) block is false,
then add the else and switch costume to pick random () to () blocks; enter 1 and 8
respecively. The costume selecion set includes bad food.
8. Finally, go to the staring locaion in the grids. Enter -120 in the go to x: my_start_
loc_in_grids y: () block.
Perform the following steps to scroll with the plaforms:
Start with a when I start as a clone block.
Add a forever block.
In the forever block, add the set x to curr_scroll_amount + my_start_loc_in_grids
To check when this clone has gone out of the viewable area, add an if () then ()
block. Then, update it to be a if <abs> of x posiion > () block; enter 230 . Then,
add the hide , else , and show blocks accordingly. Instead of 240 , we use 230 to
avoid clones geing stuck at the edge because their posiion never gets larger than
240 or smaller than -240 . You can test it out on your own by changing the value to
240 to see the undesirable "sicking" efect.
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