Game Development Reference
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3. We draw a tall verical oval shape.
4. Next, we switch the color to transparent .
5. Sill using the Ellipse tool, we will take three bites out of the brown shape to form
the limbs of the bow.
6. Then, we will choose the light gray color.
7. We select the Line tool and draw a straight verical line connecing the ips of the
bow limbs. This will be the bow string.
8. When the drawing is complete, make sure it is centered properly on the costume
center. For example, see the following image of how to posiion the costume center.
9. We name this sprite as bow .
This completes the drawing of a bow. Drawing an arrow is very simple as given in the
following steps:
1. We again select the Paint a sprite block.
2. We choose the dark gray color.
3. With the Line tool selected, we draw a short horizontal line.
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