Game Development Reference
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If you want to design your own map iles, it could be useful to have some paper and pencils
at hand. This way you can create quick sketches to test ideas before you take an extra effort
to create anything digitally.
Planning the level map
Before we start building anything, let's take a moment to think about how this automaic
level building is going to work and what we need to do to build it.
Engage thrusters
We intend to create a maze-like level design viewed from the top, similar to the look of the
convenional maps. We want to create varying levels dynamically, so we should break the
stage up into iles that can each contain a diferent graphic. All these iles placed side by side
will create the complete level.
Now for the math involved. We know the enire stage is 480 pixels wide and 360 pixels high.
So the iles have to be of a size that can easily divide the stage in equal segments without
any letover space. It's also useful if the iles are square. This isn't mandatory, but it makes
drawing iles a bit quicker since it allows to rotate ile designs and sill it them within the
same space. Refer to the following screenshot of the stage:
Let's summarize these requirements:
F The stage is divided in equal sized iles
F The ile width and height should be equal (square)
F Tiles should ill the stage siing side by side without any letover space
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