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Another lower bound for N R can be given in terms of matching probability P M , the
probability that a string and a detector that are randomly chosen match each other
according to the specifi c matching rule is
P f )/P M
It is shown that the holes are unavoidable. For example, in a partial matching
rule (rcb) , two self-strings together may eliminate all detectors that are necessary
to detect certain nonself strings. Given a string h and a matching rule M , if M
has constant matching probability P M , a self-set of size N S
| M
(h) |
N U ,
(h) is the set of the detectors matching string h , always su ces to induce
where M
Esponda et al. (2003) have shown that the holes can be constructed by “cross-
over closure” (CC) method under various matching criteria. Accordingly, for a
given set S of strings, and a fi xed 1
l , applying the construction method
on S , only holes can be constructed that are “crossed” combinations of bits in S .
For example, assuming the string length, l
4, rcb
2, and for three self-strings
1100, it is possible to construct holes h 1 =
s 1
0110, s 2
1010, and s 3
1110 and
h 2
0100 as follows (Figure 4.4):
h ese examples have shown that the CC is a proper subset of the possible strings,
and holes can be generated by the genetic algorithm's crossover operator for a set of
bit strings, S . Also r -chunk matching rule can be viewed as a generalization of the
rcb matching rule, which is related with the concept of CC.
r 1 r 1
s 1 = 01
11 10 = {0110, 1110, 1010} = { s 1 , h 1 , s 2 }
s 2 = 10
10 = {1010, 0110, 1110} = { s 2 , s 1 , h 1 }
s 3 = 11
00 = {1100, 0100} = { s 3 , h 2 }
h 1 = 11
10 = {1110, 0010} = { h 1 , n 2 }
n 1 = 00
11 = {0011, 1111} = { n 1 , h 3 }
Figure 4.4 The fi gure illustrates the construction of holes from a given set of
self using CC. (a) Holes ( h 1
1110, h 2
0100) are constructed by s 1
s 2
1100. (b) An additional hole h 3 can be constructed by the
already found hole h 1
1010, and s 3
1110 and n 1
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