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Fuzzy AINE()
1. Initialization
Create an initial network, create initial set of ARBs with their particular i based
on the input antigen (data) set
2. Antigenic presentation
While not stopping criterion met do
for each antigen do
2.1. compute network stimulation levels and
clonal selection
for each fuzzy ARB do
compute ARB stimulation level
update i
2.2. metadynamics
Allocate B cells to fuzzy ARB's based on stimulation level
Remove fuzzy ARBs with low stimulation level
2.3. clonal expansion
Select most stimulated fuzzy ARBS and reproduce
them in proportion to their stimulation level
2.4. somatic hypermutation
Mutate each fuzzy ARB inversely proportional to its
stimulation level
2.5. network update
select mutated fuzzy ARBs to be incorporated in the
Figure 5.11
The fuzzy AINE algorithm.
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