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In this case, a new sample x was considered to match (satisfy) a rule R , denoted by
R if the hypersphere with center at x and radius v intercepts the hyperrectangle
defi ned by R . h e parameter α denotes a coe cient of sensitivity, which for a specifi c
rule determines the trade-off between the volume covered by it and its interception
with the self-set. h us, the total fi tness is calculated as the sum of the fi tness of all
evolved rules minus the overlapping between the hyperrectangles defi ned by the
A “sequential niching” algorithm was used to evolve a set of suitable rules to
cover the nonself space (Dasgupta and Gonzalez, 2002). In this case, several runs
of the evolutionary algorithm were needed, and a suitable rule was obtained at the
end of each run. Gonzalez and Dasgupta (2002) used a “deterministic crowding
(DC) niching technique,” which performed better in covering the complementary
space; thus, a smaller set of rules was obtained to estimate the amount of devia-
tion more precisely. h is new niching technique also allowed the generation of
multiple rules in a single run instead of multiple runs as in “sequential niching.” In
the DC niching approach, a distance measure between two detectors c and p was
defi ned as
volume p
volume p
dist c p
(, )
volume p
where c and p are child and parent individuals, respectively. Note that this distance
measure is not symmetric because it gives more importance to the area of the parent
that is not covered.
h e pseudocode for negative selection with detection rules (NSDR) algorithm
using the DC are given in the following.
NS Algorithm 5: NS-detector-rules ( S', num _ levels, { v 1 , …, v numLevels })
Input: S : set of self samples
num_levels: number of deviation levels
{ v 1 , …, v numLevels }: allowed variability for each level
Output: Change Detection rules.
1 to num_levels
2 initialize population with random individuals
3 For j
1 For i
1 to num_gen
4 For k
1 to pop_size/2
select two individuals, ( parent 1, parent 2), with uniform prob-
ability and without replacement
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