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cells as well as some long thin trails of cells that connect them. Inspection of the player-given
labels for these cells reveals likely physical locations to some of the key clusters (two of the
larger clusters - the towns of Stockholm and Kista - are labelled in the figure). Furthermore,
we have been able to determine that the long trails of cells correspond to train and car
journeys made by players in the trial.
Filtering and zooming allows further exploration of this graph such that additional rela-
tionships and correlations can be identified and explored. For example, we are able to filter
and display a sub-graph of all cells that have been labelled with the word 'station' along with
intervening cells that connect these.
Another example of this filtering mechanism, shown in Figure 16.2, shows a series of
views of a region of the graph that are highlighted according to three different location
labels. The rightmost image highlights cells that have been labelled 'Kista', the middle image
cells labelled 'SICS' (The Swedish Institute of Computer Science) and the left image cells
labelled 'ICE' (Interactive Computing Environments Lab), suggesting that ICE is a place
within SICS, which is a place within Kista.
16.4.2 Day of the Figurines
Day of the Figurines (Tandavanitj, 2005) is a slow pervasive game in the form of a massively
multiplayer board-game that is played using mobile phones via the medium of text messag-
ing. A first public test of Day of the Figurines took place in London in summer 2005 and
involved 85 players playing over the course of a month. We engaged eight volunteers in a
separate side-experiment to help us explore the potential of cell-positioning technology to
support such a game.
As part of this trial we lent these eight players dedicated phones that could run local cell-
logging software that recorded the sequences of cell IDs seen by the phone and uploaded
Figure 16.2 Highlighting cells that players have labelled 'Kista' (left), 'SICS' (middle) and 'ICE'
(right) with a dark border. Is ICE a place within SICS which in turn, is within Kista?
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