Java Reference
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(1) x= 0;
x= x+2*2;
x= x+3*3;
x= x+4*4;
x= x + 200 * 200;
200 lines is a lot to type. It would be nice to be able to paraphrase it like this:
For each number i in the range 2..200 , add i*i to x .
Here is a for-loop (preceded by an initializing declaration of x ) that does just that:
(2) int x= 0;
for ( int i= 2; i <= 200; i= i + 1) {
x= x+i*i;
Variable i is called the loop counter .
The constituents of this loop are:
The part of the loop within the parentheses:
- The initializing declaration of int variable i (initialized to 2);
- A semicolon;
- The loop-condition i <= 200 . It can be any boolean expression;
- A semicolon;
- An assignment that adds 1 to loop counter i .
The block after the parentheses (the opening brace { followed by the
sequence of statements followed by the closing brace } ) is called the
repetend of the loop. Repetend means “the thing to be repeated”.
Program segment (2) performs exactly the same task as program segment (1)
above. It is just a shorthand version. Thus, sequence (2) executes x= 0; and then
executes the statement
x= x+i*i;
with i containing 2 , then with i containing 3 , and so on up to i containing 200 .
You can (and should) put that code in a method and step through it in your
As a second example, we write a loop that performs the following assign-
x= 1 * 1 - 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 - 4 * 4 + … + 21 * 21 - 22 * 22;
Here, the squares of odd integers are added and the squares of even integers are
subtracted, so this assignment is equivalent to:
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