Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java syntax: print procedure call
System.out.print( expression );
Example : System.out.print(5);
Execution : Place the value of the expression in the
Java console (which is a window or pane that con-
tains error messages and output from such print
and println calls).
Java syntax: println procedure call
System.out.println( expression );
Example : System.out.println(5);
Execution : Place the value of the
expression in the Java console and then
start a new line (in the Java console).
Method bodies
You know about the caller's view of a method (as opposed to the writer's view),
and you know how to understand a method call. In this section, we investigate
the third part of a method definition, the method body, and discuss its execution.
The procedure body
A procedure body is a sequence of statements enclosed in braces {} . Here is an
Style Note
13.2, 13.2.4:
/** Print b , c , and b+c on separate lines. */
public static void print3 ( int b, int c) {
This procedure body contains three statements. Notice the indentation:
• The opening brace { appears on the same line as the header;
• The sequence of statements is indented; and
• The closing brace } appears indented exactly under the header.
This convention is used by many Java programmers. We use it throughout the
Note: Class java.lang.System has in it a static variable out , which refers to
a PrintStream object. PrintStream objects deal with output and have a method
println , which prints its argument, followed by a new-line character.
Execute this statement in your IDE:
Compiling and calling static methods
Every method needs to be inside a class, so in order to test print3 we must
write a class in which to place it. Over the next few pages, we will write several
related methods, including print3 . We will create a single class, PrintExample ,
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