Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Before each class . Place a Javadoc comment that explains what an instance of
the class is. For example:
/** An instance of the class is a shape, like a polygon. */
You can, of course, place a lot more details in this Javadoc comment. These
details can give more information on each instance and, more importantly,
explain how to use the class, give the author and date finished, and so on. Look
at the Java API specifications to get some idea on this comment.
2. Before each method . Place a Javadoc comment that specifies the method.
Method specifications are discussed in Sec. 13.3.
3. Before each declaration of a variable in the class . Place a Javadoc comment
that describes the meaning of the variable, as discussed in Sec. 13.4.
Extracting Javadoc comments
The end of Appendix I.2 contains instructions for extracting Javadoc com-
ments when using DrJava. Appendix I.3 contains instructions for extracting
Javadoc comments in a command-line window or MDOS window.
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