Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Test t= new Test();
The first line creates an instance of class Test and stores its name in a new vari-
able t . The second line calls t 's function testInstance , which yields 5 .
DrJava has a facility for creating and displaying Javadoc comments. Click the
item Javadoc on the right of the tool bar at the top of the DrJava window. A nav-
igation window appears, which asks you to select a folder into which the Javadoc
files will be placed. We suggest that you create a new folder titled “doc” within
the folder for the project you are working with and select it. After you select the
folder, DrJava creates the Javadoc files —be patient; it can take a few moments.
Finally, a new window will appear with the Javadoc spec in it, in the same for-
mat as the Java API specifications.
Using JUnit in DrJava
The application JUnit is designed to facilitate the testing of Java programs. JUnit
can be used in many contexts; here, we show how to use it in DrJava.
We use as an example the testing of function max of class SimpleMath in
Fig. I.2, which is assumed to be in file . We have deliberately
public class SimpleMath {
/** = maximum of x and y */
public static int max( int x, int y) {
if (x <= y)
{ return y - 1; }
return x;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestMax extends TestCase {
public void testXBigger()
{ assertEquals(7, SimpleMath.max(7, 5)); }
public void testYBigger()
{ assertEquals(5, SimpleMath.max(-5, 5)); }
public void testXYSame()
{ assertEquals(8, SimpleMath.max(8, 8)); }
Figure I.2:
Using JUnit to test method max
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