Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java syntax: instance-function call
variable . name ( arguments )
Java syntax: instance-procedure call
variable . name ( arguments );
Example : w.getTitle()
Example : w.setTitle("Peace");
Purpose : To call the function name that occurs
in the folder whose name is in variable vari-
able . A function call is an expression and does
not end in a semicolon.
Purpose : To call the procedure name that occurs in the
folder whose name is in variable variable . A procedure
call ends in a semicolon.
a reference to a component of the folder follows; the phrase “ show ” is a reference
to procedure show within that folder; and the parentheses indicate the (empty) list
of arguments. In general, in order to access a component (variable or method) of
a folder, use the form
< variable that contains the name of the folder > . < component-name >
We summarize how you can create and show on your monitor a window that
is associated with a JFrame. Just type the following three lines into the
Interactions pane of DrJava, and the window will appear in the upper left corner:
import javax.swing.*;
JFrame window;
window= new JFrame("first Title");;
The first line says that the classes in package javax.swing may be used.
The second line declares variable window . The fourth line creates a manila fold-
er of class JFrame and stores its name in window . The fourth line shows the win-
dow on the monitor.
Getter and setter methods
A folder of class JFrame contains lots of information about the window with
which it is associated. One can generally get this information using calls on cer-
tain functions that appear in each folder of the class. In Java parlance, these are
called getter methods because they get a value from the folder. For example,
below, we show a few function calls and the results of their evaluation:
function call
title of the window
height of the window, in “pixels”
width of the window, in “pixels”
Thus, a getter method is a function that retrieves a value from an object.
A setter method is a procedure that sets (or changes) a value in an object. For
example, you can change the title of the window to “another title” by executing
the procedure call:
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