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interspersed with various html formatting tags. For example, a new paragraph is
begun with the tag <p> . The ending tag </p> is optional.
We describe a few of the formating tags-pairs that are used in html:
<font color=red> ... </font> The text between the tags should be
red. This is the first tag that you have seen with an argument : In html, an
argument is given by a parameter name, the = sign, and the argument
value for that parameter. Java uses a positional scheme for giving argu-
ments: the first argument is associated with the first parameter, etc. Html
uses a naming scheme: parameter = argument . Therefore, the arguments
can appear in any order. Arguments are sometimes called attributes .
<font size=+1> ... </font> The same font-tag pair as above, but
with a different argument, which increases the point size of the material
between the tags by 1.
<b> ... </b> Put the text between the tags in boldface.
<i> ... </i> Put the text between the tags in italics.
<u> ... </u> Underline the text between the tags.
<br> Practically the only tag without a corresponding closing tag. It
gives a line break, or new line character.
The hyperlink
Surely, you have browsed web pages by clicking on a blue underlined
<head><title>A web page</title>
A web page is written in HTML
<P><font color=red>Here's some red text</font></p>
<font size=+1>Here's a different point size<br>
<b>and boldface</b>
<i>and italics
<u>and underline</u><i>
a link to <a href="">
Paul Gries's home page </a> at Toronto
Figure 16.4:
The source html page for Fig. 16.1
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