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The file drawer for a static nested class
In our model of execution, each class has a file drawer in a filing cabinet.
By our rules, static components of a class are placed in the file drawer for the
class. Since static class Line is defined inside class WireForm , its filing cabinet
belongs inside WireForm 's filing cabinet —we have to cram one file drawer
inside another! Figure 12.12 shows the situation, with the filing cabinet drawers
drawn as boxes. The file drawer for class Line shows one instance of the class,
and there are no static components.
Above, we mentioned the general inside-out rule, which is discussed in Sec.
13.1.2. Applied to a static nested class and in terms of our file-drawer model, the
inside-out rule is interpreted as follows:
Inside-out rule for static nested classes . Suppose the file draw-
er for static nested class In is inside another file drawer Out . Then
In 's methods can reference each static component x of Out direct-
ly (unless In redefines x ).
All instances of Line are in Line 's file drawer, so they can reference x .
Inner classes
An inner class In (say) is a class that is defined within another class Out (say)
without modifier static . Class In could be defined as a component of Out , or
it could be defined within a method. Here, we discuss the case that class In is
defined as a component of class Out , and not within a method.
We describe the use of an inner class using the following example. Class
BankAccount , outlined in Fig. 12.13, is used to maintain bank accounts. Each
instance of the class maintains the account number and the balance. There are
methods for depositing an amount and withdrawing an amount. There could be
other types of transactions as well —adding interest, charging a service fee, and
WireForm 's file drawer
Line 's file drawer
x ...
x1 ..
y1 ..
z1 ..
y ...
y2 ..
x2 ..
z2 ..
Figure 12.12:
The file drawer for a static nested class
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