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E4. The owners at the Water Hill stables (see exercise E3) would like a bit more
information than just whether a horse has been fed. Create class Horse and make
the array an array of class Horse . Be creative in the fields and methods you
include in the class.
E5. Write a function that calculates the transpose of a rectangular array b . The
transpose of b is b with its rows and columns interchanged. In other words, sup-
pose b is an m -by- n array. Then the transpose c of b is an n -by- m array in which
each element c[i, j] has the value b[j, i] .
E6. Write a procedure to print the first n rows of Pascal's triangle in a nice for-
mat, with each row centered. Do it two ways. First, have each element take as
many characters as it needs, but no more. Second, have each element take the
same number of characters: the number needed for the maximum integer to be
E7. Write a function that, given an n -by- m array b , returns a one-dimensional
array of size n that contains the sums of the individual rows of b .
E8. Write a function that tells whether an array is a magic square. An array is a
magic square if: (1) it is an n -by- n array, for some n , (2) it contains the integers
1 , 2 , 3 , ..., n 2 , (3) the rows, columns, and two diagonals have the same sum. Here
is a magic square:
{{8, 1, 6}, {3, 5, 7}, {4, 9, 2}}
E9. Type “magic square” into a search engine on the internet and find out about
magic squares. Write a function that, given an odd integer n , computes an n -by-
n magic square.
E10. Think about some area where it might make sense to use a ragged array.
Dream up a problem that would make use of a ragged array and write a Java pro-
gram for it.
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