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E10. Write a procedure that changes array segment b[h..k-1] to the following:
each element i , h≤i<k , should contain the sum of the original values of
b[h..i] . Thus, if b = {3, 5, 2, 7, 8} initially, upon termination b = {3, 8,
10, 17, 25} . You should do this with one loop.
E11. Rewrite selection sort of Sec. 8.5.4 to use this loop invariant:
0 ≤ j ≤ b.length and b[j..] is sorted and b[0..j-1] ≤ b[j..]
E12. Another quadratic sorting algorithm is called bubblesort . It works as fol-
lows. First, array b is scanned beginning at b[0], swapping each adjacent pairs of
elements to put the larger of the two second. This “bubbles” the largest value to
the top —to b[b.length-1] . Next, start at b[0] and bubble the next largest to
b[b.length-2] . Next, start at b[0] and bubble the next largest to b[b.length-
2] . Continue this process. Implement bubblesort.
E13. Modify bubblesort of the previous exercise to stop as soon as one of the
bubbling-up processes does not swap any array elements.
E14. Modify bubblesort of exercise E12 to alternate bubbling a larger value
upward and bubbling a smaller value downward, stopping when one upward or
downward pass does not swap any elements.
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