Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In addition, activated intracellular kinases, such as protein kinases PKA and PKC
also phosphorylate GPCRs and lead to GPCR-G-protein decoupling.
RasGRF Activators
The RasGRF proteins are coupled to G-protein-coupled receptors. Three main
families of guanosine nucleotide-exchange factors (GEF) are associated with Ras
GTPases and link plasmalemmal receptors to Ras protein activation: Son of
sevenless (SOS1-SOS2), Ras guanosine nucleotide releasing factors (RasGRF1-
RasGRF2), and Ras guanosine nucleotide releasing proteins (RasGRP1-RasGRP4;
Vol. 4 - Chap. 9. Guanosine Triphosphatases and Their Regulators). Activators of
the SOS and RasGRP sets link (via GRB2 adaptor and phospholipase-C
generation of diacylglycerol, respectively) membrane or cytoplasmic protein Tyr
kinases to Ras GTPases. Calcium influx promotes RasGRF translocation to the
plasma membrane, where it can be phosphorylated (activated).
Gq-Coupled Receptors and Bronchoconstriction
Other Gq-coupled receptors that can cause contraction include A 3 adenosine,
B 2 bradykinin, ET A endothelin, H 1 histamine, NK1 and NK 2 neurokinin, and
P2 purinergic receptors [ 722 ]. Both thrombin and lysophosphatidic acid that operate
via Gq-coupled receptors PARs and LPARs provoke cell proliferation. Endothelin,
histamine, leukotriene-D4, sphingosine 1-phosphate, and thromboxane potentiate
mitogenic effects of receptor protein Tyr kinases via their cognate Gq-coupled
High-Affinity Receptors for Leukotriene-B4
For example, high-affinity receptors for leukotriene-B4 (LTb4R), i.e., BLT 1 and
BLT 2 (Vol. 3 - Chap. 7. G-Protein-Coupled Receptors), are expressed on neu-
trophils, eosinophils, and T lymphocytes. They promote leukocyte migration to
the lung and participate in their activation and degranulation. Moreover, they are
produced by human airway smooth myocytes. They are coupled to G
α i or G
subunit. Three forms of the transcribed LTb4R and 2 additional variations in the
5 UTR exist [ 721 ].
Gs-Coupled Receptors and Bronchodilation
Gs-coupled receptors elicit relaxation of airway smooth myocytes. They comprise
2 adrenergic, A 2B adenosine, prostanoid EP 2 and IP (for prostaglandin-E2 and
prostacyclin, respectively), and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptors [ 722 ].
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