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of extracellular Ca 2 + into the cardiomyocyte for optimal excitation-contraction
coupling. Delayed repolarization also yields cardiomyocyte refractory to premature
Other ionic fluxes arise from Na + -Ca 2 + exchanger, with Na + and Ca 2 + transport
reversal during repolarization, and from Na + -K + pumps. The transition between
phases 2 and 3 is characterized by an increase in repolarization rate due to the
beginning in activity of inward K + rectifiers, expelling K + ions.
During phase 3 , delayed rectifier K + channels induce rapid repolarization by
K + current that counters depolarization induced by Na + and Ca 2 + inflow. These
membrane channels remains closed in the presence of ATP, but as soon as ATP
levels fall, they open for K + efflux that leads cardiomyocytes to a hyperpolarized
inactive state.
Throughout phase 4 , the resting membrane potential is regulated by a
background K + current. A Na + efflux can balance the K + influx generated by
the inward K + rectifiers to ensure a resting cell potential. This process can be
modulated by voltage-sensitive Cl channels activated by catecholamines via
cAMP messenger. The action potential is shortened by Cl influx and lengthened
by adrenergic effect on Ca 2 + channels.
Electrophysiological Myocyte Types
Transmural differences in electrochemical properties of the ventricular myocytes
are attributed to changes in both quantity and quality of sarcolemmal (K + transient
outward, rapid and slow delayed K + rectifiers [ 624 ], inward K + rectifier, Na + -
Ca 2 + exchanger with its reverse and forward modes, and late Na + channel) as well
as sarcoplasmic reticulum carriers such as sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2 + AT P a s e . 63
Such variations lead to electromechanical coupling differences, which can also be
due to variations in intracellular Ca 2 + buffering, as well as in contractile protein
isoform expression. 64
These transmural differences may be required for coordinated contraction and
relaxation of the ventriculomyocyte population across the ventricular wall stimu-
lated at different instants by the propagating electrochemical wave with a delay
on the order of few tens of milliseconds. The ventricular myocardium contains at
least 3 electrophysiologically distinct myocyte types: epicardial, midmyocardial,
and endocardial myocytes.
63 The expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2 + ATPase is greater in epicardial than midmyocar-
dial and endocardial myocytes [ 625 ]. Consequently, epicardial myocytes exhibit a quicker decay
of intracellular Ca 2 + content than endocardial myocytes. Transmural expression of Na + -Ca 2 +
exchanger does not significantly vary [ 625 ]. Regional differences in ryanodine channel expression
and/or its binding protein might exist.
64 Myosin isoforms do not have similar ATPase and contractile activities [ 626 ].
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