Biomedical Engineering Reference
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AR-mediated cardiac frequency. Greater rates in Ca 2 + uptake
and discharge from the sarcoplasmic reticulum can help sinoatrial nodal cells trigger
shorter depolarization waves.
The other important ion channel in cardiac pacemaking is voltage-dependent
Ca 2 + channel Ca V 1.3 that carries i Ca , L current activated during the early phase of the
diastolic depolarization. In addition to i f and i Ca , L , other ionic currents contribute to
the regulation of the heart frequency, such as i Ca , T that is almost exclusively due to
Ca V 3.1 channels, sustained inward current, and electrogenic Na + -Ca 2 + exchange
that are caused by rhythmic cortical Ca 2 + oscillations due to spontaneous opening
of ryanodine receptors.
Sodium fluxes lead to several currents, a small fast inward Na + ,aNa + -Ca 2 +
exchange , a Na + -K + pump, and a Na + background current. Among the voltage-
dependent K + currents, the outward K + delayed rectifier current plays a major
role in pacemaker activity. Only a small fraction of nodal cells of the sinoatrial
node yields a transient outward K + current. Furthermore, inward rectifier K +
current, although observed in the atrium and part of the atrioventricular node, is
not found in the sinoatrial node, whereas it is the dominant background current in
ventriculomyocytes. Additional K + currents are provided by ligand-gated channels
(ATP-, adenosine-, and acetylcholine-sensitive channels). 59 Transient and long-
lasting Ca 2 + currents have been recorded in the sinoatrial node through Ca V 3and
Ca V 1 channels. A stretch-activated Cl channel can provide an inward background
current. The decay in outward K + current and inward background current leads to
initial cell depolarization to the threshold. The hyperpolarization-activated current
modulates pacemaker depolarization. Ca 2 + current is a main factor during late
depolarization. ATP-sensitive K + channels are activated by ATP depletion. Na + -
K + pumps and Na + -Ca 2 + exchangers influence pacemaker activity. Intracellular
ion concentrations and regulators affect the functioning of pacemaker ion carriers
(Table 6.13 ).
maximal increase in
Parasympathetic Control
In sinoatrial cells, cholinergic signals activate Gi-coupled M 2 cholinergic receptors
that decrease cAMP level, thus suppressing activation of protein kinase-A and
slowing pacemaker rate. In addition, these receptors activate acetylcholine-activated
potassium channels (K IR 3).
On the other hand, adrenergic cues activate
-adrenergic receptors in pacemaker
cells, thereby increasing cAMP concentration, activating PKA, and raising the
pacemaker frequency. Protein kinase-A regulates numerous proteins in nodal cells,
especially ion channels such as Ca V 1 channel and phospholamban.
59 The activity of both adenosine- and acetylcholine-sensitive K + channels involves GTP-binding
proteins. Both ATP and Mg 2 + are cofactors of acetylcholine-sensitive K + channels.
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