Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Calcium-Release Couplon
A typical cardiomyocyte possesses 10,000 to 20,000 Ca 2 + -release couplons; each
couplon consists of 5 to 20 Ca V 1.2 channels and 50 to 300 ryanodine receptors.
The model of a Ca 2 + -release unit characterized by a given spatial distribution on
the cell cortex contains 6 to 7 compartments through which Ca 2 + moves with
given fluxes at interfaces: the bulk and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum; cytosol,
possibly a cortical subdomain (with sodium-calcium exchanger), and dyadic space;
plasma membrane; and extracellular space.
The differential equations describing the Ca 2 + concentrations in different com-
partments are [ 396 ]:
2 c C 1 j +
B C 1 j (
c C 1 j ) t c C 1 j = D C 1 j
J C 1 j ,
B C 2 (
c C 2 )
d t c C 2 =
J C 2 ,
where type-1 compartment C 1 j
2) represents the cytosol ( C C )and
sarcoplasmic reticulum ( C SR ) and type-2 compartment C 2 (
( j
2) dyadic space
compartmental Ca 2 +
concentrations [mol/L 3 ], B C i compartmental Ca 2 + buffering functions (of the Ca 2 +
concentration [L]), J C i resulting Ca 2 + flux for each compartment [mol/L 2 /T], and
D C i compartmental Ca 2 + diffusivity [L 2 /T].
Numerical simulations of a ventriculomyocyte couplon network are aimed at
studying: (1) influence on Ca 2 + signals of various parameters, such as sensitivity of
ryanodine receptors of Ca 2 + -release units (couplons), sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum
Ca 2 + load and uptake rate, Na + -Ca 2 + exchange magnitude, and Ca 2 + buffer levels;
and (2) stochastic and deterministic aspects of intracellular calcium dynamics.
( C DS ) and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum ( C jSR ), c C i (
Calcium Wave and Alternans
Transitions from Ca 2 + spark to Ca 2 + wave can occur when spark-induced sparks
becomes significant, i.e., when sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2 + load progressively
increases. Because both Ca V channels and ryanodine receptors open randomly,
Ca 2 + sparks can happen stochastically and sparsely at low Ca V open probability
and/or under strong Ca 2 + buffering, but more regularly at higher Ca V
probability and weak Ca 2 + buffering [ 397 ].
Random Ca 2 + sparks from Ca 2 + -release couplons that interact collectively
provoke entire-cell Ca 2 + alternans . Cellular calcium transient alternans are beat-to-
beat variations in the peak cytosolic Ca 2 + concentration in cardiomyocytes during
rapid electrical stimulation or under pathological conditions.
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