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T H17 Cell
T H17 cells are involved in host defense against specific pathogens, in tumor
immunology, autoimmunity, and tissue inflammation. They interact with regulatory
T cells to prevent tissue inflammation and mediate self-tolerance.
Transcription factors Activator protein AP1, STAT3, and retinoic acid-related
orphan receptors ROR
T or NR1f3-2) promote
the generation of T H17 cells. Production of IL17 relies on ROR
(or NR1f1) and ROR
2. The STAT3
factor activated by IL6, IL21, and IL23 binds to Il17 and Il21 loci and regulates
the expression of IL23 receptor, ROR
2. 121
Differentiation of naive T cells into T H17 and T Reg cells depends on the local
cytokine environment and antigen-presenting cells. Differentiation of T H17 cell is
induced by transcription factor ROR
2 in collaboration with STAT3 in response
to the combined effect of IL6, IL23, and TGF
. The transcription factor forkhead
box-P3 can hinder NR1f3-2 activity. The development and functioning of FOxP3
T Reg cells require the cooperation of FoxP3 and nuclear factor of activated T cells
(NFAT) to regulate FoxP3 target genes. 122 T H17 cells also express CCR6 receptor.
Differentiation into T H17
cells can occur in the absence of TGF
[ 255 ].
Interleukin-6 and -23 in combination with IL1
cause IL17 production in naive pre-
cursors. Therefore, T H17 cells constitute diverse subpopulations, such as TBx21
,T H17 cells.
Basic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor (BATF), or B-cell-activating
transcription factor (BATF), that contains only a basic region and leucine zipper
domain (and not transcriptional activation domains of Activator protein-1) 123
is involved in the differentiation of T H17 cells [ 256 ]. The BATF factor binds
conserved intergenic elements in the Il17a-Il17f locus and to the Il17, Il21 and
Il22 promoters. 124
T H17
synthesize several cytokines, such
IL17, granulocyte-
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF2), interferon-
, and tumor-necrosis
factor in the human tumor environment for tumor eradication [ 257 ]. 125 On the other
hand, tumor-infiltrating T Reg cells suppress T H17 -cell expansion in tumors.
121 The Il17 locus is composed of Il17A and Il17F genes. Encoded IL17a and IL17f can form
homo- and heterodimers.
122 Most (but not all) FoxP3
T Reg cells express IL2R
(CD25). A subset of CD25
T cells comprises FOxP3
effector T cells without T Reg function. Calcium ions are needed for
nuclear translocation of NFAT and cytokine production. Stromal interaction molecules StIM1 and
StIM2 detect intracellular calcium storage depletion and activate calcium release-activated calcium
channels for calcium entry.
123 Early response transcription factor Activator protein-1 is a dimer of Jun, Fos, Maf, Jun
dimerization protein (JDP), and activating transcription factor family members (ATF1-ATF7).
124 Factor BATF is also expressed in T H1 and T H2 cells, but it is not required for T H2 development.
125 Interleukin-17, or IL17a, also called cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein CTLA8, be-
longs to a the IL17 family with IL17b to IL17f.
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