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the default login. On Pidora, it's root/raspberrypi . On Raspbian-based systems, it's
pi/raspberry .
The first time you connect to any machine, it will store a record of that machine in .ssh/
known_hosts . This list is checked on each connection. That means the first time you
connect, you'll see a dialog that asks you:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be establish
RSA key fingerprint is 78:75:1d:1c:a1:79:11:18:15:e5:04:08:15:16:23:42.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
It sounds a little ominous, but “yes” is the right answer, despite the “warning” that
Now you're ready to use the command line to transfer files to and from your Raspberry
Pi and to work on it almost as if you were working directly on it. If you'd like to be able
to launch GUI interfaces over SSH, use -X when you connect:
$ ssh -X ruth@
Most (but not all) graphical applications will work with this method, known as “X for-
Give Your Pi a Static IP Address
If you always want to be able to connect to your Pi through the same IP
address without looking it up, you'll need to assign it a static IP address
(as opposed to a dynamically assigned one).
Many ISPs use dynamic IP addressing , which means that you get a different IP address
each time you connect to the Internet. If you're connecting to the Pi over SSH regularly
(see Hack #12 ), using VoIP (see Hack #32 ), or have other reasons to always have the
same IP address, you'll want to set up static IP addressing.
In Pidora, you can either follow the instructions in Hack #11 if you're running headless,
or if you're not, edit the files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts .
If you're usually a Debian user, these files are analgous to /etc/network/inter
faces .
You'll see the available network interfaces configurations listed as ifcfg-<interface-
name> . Choose the one you'll be using for the connection and edit it in your favorite
text editor, for example:
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