Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
$ gphoto2 --capture-movie=5
Capturing 5 preview frames as movie to 'movie.mjpg'.
Movie capture finished (6 frames)
That's a “motion jpeg,” in case you were wondering what a .mjpg file is.
Basic Capture Commands and Variables
What you do with your new camera+Pi powers is up to you. These are the three main
capture commands:
Capture an image and keep it on the camera.
Capture a movie file (depends on camera).
Capture an audio clip.
You can also add -and-download to image capture, so --capture-image-and-download
will take a photo and immediately download it to the computer.
These few commands should be enough to get you started, but explore gphoto2
--help to learn even more.
You might also want to include some of the following variables:
--filename NAME
Specifies a filename, where NAME is the desired filename. You can create a default
value for this in ~/.gphoto/settings . It accepts additions, including %n : (for incre-
menting numbers), + (for date and time information), and +% (to keep the
filename in lowercase).
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