Hardware Reference
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If you do not, try starting the service by entering +systemctl start boinc-
Once you've confirmed that the client is running, it's time to configure the BOINC
$ sudo vi /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg
This file contains a long string of characters that is your BOINC password. Copy it
(Shift+Ctrl+V), then exit (:q!).
Flush the IP tables:
$ sudo iptables -F
Now go to the BOINC Manager window. Go to View Advanced View (or use Shift+Ctrl
+A to switch). Under Advanced Select Computer, enter for the hostname
(using localhost may or may not work) and paste the password you copied from
gui_rpc_auth.cfg .
For security reasons, BOINC Manager requires this password each time you start it.
At this point, unless you intend to walk away from it and never use the manager again,
you should change some permissions to save yourself from having to copy and paste
the password each time.
As you saw when you listed the BOINC processes, installing it created a boinc user as
well. That user is currently the owner of everything under /var/lib/boinc/ . By adding
yourself to the boinc group, you can create permissions that let your BOINC Manager
connect to the client without looking up that password each time:
$ su
[Enter password]
$ /usr/sbin/usermod -G boinc -a YOURNAME
$ chmod g+rw /var/lib/boinc
$ chmod g+rw /var/lib/boinc/*.*
$ ln -s /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg /home/YOURNAME/gui_rpc_auth.cfg
After you have logged out and back in, you will be added to the boinc group and should
no longer have to repeat the password steps when using the BOINC Manager.
BOINC Account Managers
There are several BOINC account managers (which in a sense means BOINC Manager
is really just middle management). They manage your BOINC accounts if you're par-
ticipating in multiple projects or have BOINC running on multiple systems.
Even if you're running it only on this one Raspberry Pi, using an account manager will
make things easier, and BOINC Manager will prompt you to set one up. The website
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