Hardware Reference
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You can now log into your WordPress dashboard and start configuring its themes and
posting. Learn more about how to use all of its features at http://codex.wordpress.org .
Use Coder for Your Website
Coder is a tool created by Jason Striegel in the Google Creative Lab as a way to teach
kids basic web programming using the Raspberry Pi. It doesn't have that kid-program
feel, though, so if you're an adult who's never tried learning HTML, CSS, or JavaScript,
it's handy for you as well.
On the Coder website, you'll find a ZIP file with an installer for Mac users and instruc-
tions for using it with Windows. However, there are not any instructions for using it
with Linux. To do so, download the Coder ZIP file, which contains a folder (at the time
of this writing, coder_v0.4 ) within which you'll find two files: CoderSetup.app and ras
pi.img . The latter is all you need. Extract it and then use a tool like Fedora-arm-installer
or dd from the command line to flash the image to your SD card:
$ sudo dd bs=4M if=raspi.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
Fedora ARM Installer
The Fedora ARM Installer is a convenient tool for flashing your SD card im-
ages if you're less-than-comfortable with the command line. You don't have
to use it for Fedora or Pidora images; it will work with any image you want
to flash to the Pi. If you're on Fedora, you can install it with yum install
fedora-arm-installer . For other systems, you can download it at http://
fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_ARM_Installer .
Boot the Pi with your newly flashed SD card, and you'll see the Raspbian raspi-config
screen. You don't need to change anything, although you probably want to resize the
partition (option 1, expand_rootfs ). Then select Finish and reboot.
Now move back to your Linux machine and open Chrome or Chromium and go to
https://coder.local in the browser. You'll be welcomed to Coder, and all you have to do
for setup is choose a password ( Figure 3-7 ).
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