Hardware Reference
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And here's the command for Raspbian:
$ su -c 'apt-get install apache2'
The detail of possibilities for using and configuring Apache are well beyond the
scope of this topic, but also well documented elsewhere. We recommend starting
with the online documentation . If you're interested in a topic, try Apache Cookbook
(O'Reilly), or for a broader introduction to web development, Beginning PHP5,
Apache, and MySQL Web Development (O'Reilly).
Next you'll need to install MySQL, PHP, and the PHP gd module (required by Word-
Press). Here's the command for Pidora:
$ su -c 'yum install mysql mysql-server'
$ su -c 'yum install php php-mysql php-gd'
And here's the command for Raspbian:
$ su -c 'apt-get install mysql-server'
$ su -c 'apt-get install php php-mysql php-gd'
Start the MySQL daemon and Apache, on Pidora:
$ su -c 'systemctl start mysqld.service'
$ su -c 'systemctl start httpd'
or on Raspbian:
$ su -c 'service start mysqld'
Then ensure that they will both start on their own in the future, on Pidora:
$ su -c 'chkconfig mysqld on'
$ su -c 'chkconfig httpd on'
or on Raspbian:
$ su -c 'update-rc.d mysqld enable'
$ su -c 'update-rc.d httpd enable'
Then set up the installation:
$ su -c '/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation'
You'll be asked to set a root password and several other settings, which are well de-
scribed by the script along with recommended choices. If all goes well, at the end you'll
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