Hardware Reference
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browsable = yes
read only = no
#guest ok = yes
valid users = pi
path = /media
force user = root
Add this to the bottom of the file:
browsable = yes
read only = no
path = /mnt/PiShare
create mask = 0660
directory mask = 0771
Save the file, exit, and restart Samba. On Pidora, reboot the Samba service with:
$ su -c '/sbin/service smb restart'
On Raspbian, use:
$ su -c '/etc/init.d/samba restart'
Configure Samba Without the Command Line
If you're using Pidora, a package available for the GUI Samba Server Configuration
Tool can modify the /etc/samba/ files for you. To install this tool, run:
$ su -c 'yum install system-config-samba'
You can start it from the command line by typing system-config-samba .
Now connect to your share from another machine. From Fedora, for example, use the
Connect to Server dialog (similar dialogs exist in any Linux distribution or on OS X or
Windows). The share address is smb:// followed by the IP address, a slash, and the
name of your share, as shown in Figure 3-1 .
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