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Intelligent/smart materials and textiles:
an overview
Since the nineteenth century, revolutionary changes which have had a pro-
found impact on human life have been seen in many fields of science and
technology. The invention of electronic chips, computers, the Internet and
the discovery and complete mapping of the human genome have trans-
formed the entire world. The past century also brought about tremendous
advances in the textile and clothing industry, particularly the past 20 years,
in which new and innovative developments were reported, including the
development of a wide range of synthetic fibres, microfibres, and nano-
fibres, as well as in the field of intelligent textiles and materials. In addition,
the increasing importance of nanotechnology and the development of
equipment to manipulate at the nanolevel will soon allow the development
of supercomputers that can be deposited at the surface of a fibre/yarn/
clothing and the development of medical nanorobots smaller than a human
cell to eliminate cancers, infections and clogged arteries. Intelligent tech-
nology for materials and structures is the future and will keep the textile
industry on the right track. The driving force for these changes in the textile
industry is mainly the shift from developing and producing textiles purely
for clothing purposes to more advanced applications such as heating,
cooling and protection (shielding, anti-radar, flame-retardant properties,
sensing and actuating amongst other applications).
Despite the many reports that can be found in the literature regarding
intelligent textiles, it is difficult to find a good overview of the subject. This
chapter endeavours to provide a good overview of intelligent textiles, their
production methods and properties. However, it is first essential to formu-
late a clear definition of intelligent textiles in order to avoid confusion and
ambiguity. The definition of intelligent textiles has changed over the past
decade, because textiles that were named intelligent 10 years ago now
appear in everyday life and are therefore regarded as conventional 1 . By the
time some readers access this topic, the intelligent textiles discussed could
well be part of everyday life.
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