HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 14-9
element node properties
Property Description
node .children A collection of all of the element nodes contained within node
node .firstElementChild The first element within node
node .lastElementChild The last element within node
node .nextElementSibling The next sibling element to node
node .previousElementSibling The previous sibling element to node
node .childElementCount
The number of child elements within node
node .children.length
The number of child elements within node
For example, in the HTML fragment
<h1>The U.S. Constitution</h1>
We the People of the United States, in Order
to form a more perfect Union ...
the children.length property for the article element returns a value of 3, indicating
that the article contains three child element nodes—representing the h1 , h2 , and p ele-
ments. Note that the element node properties are not supported by versions of Internet
Explorer before IE9, though they are supported by other major browsers.
Problem Solving: Nodes and White Space
One source of confusion when working with nodes is the treatment of white space within an
HTML file. The document object model specifies that the white space between element tags
should be treated as a text node. Therefore, the HTML fragment
<h1>The U.S. Constitution</h1>
contains five nodes: two element nodes (for the h1 and h2 elements), two text nodes (for
the text strings The U.S. Constitution and Preamble ), and one more text node you don't see
representing the line return between the closing </h1> tag and the opening <h2> tag.
One source of confusion is that versions of Internet Explorer before IE9 did not count
white space nodes as text nodes, so the above HTML fragment would have only four nodes
under the IE DOM. This has been corrected in IE9, and all current browsers should count
both text nodes and white space nodes.
Now that you've learned how an HTML document is composed of different types of
nodes, you'll explore how to use JavaScript to create new nodes that can be attached to
existing documents.
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