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background color for the blocks class cells is black . If an incorrect cell is found,
change the value of the solved variable to false and break off the program loop.
d. After the loop has finished running, display an alert box containing a congratula-
tory message if the value of the solved variable is still true .
9. Create the peek() function. The purpose of this function is to highlight errors in the
user's solution. Incorrect cells will have their numbers displayed in a red font. Add
the following commands to the function:
a. Create an object collection named blockcells for all data cells in the hitoriGrid
table belonging to the blocks class.
b. For each cell in the blockCells object collection, test whether the background
color is white . If it is, then the cell is wrong so the font color should be changed
to red .
c. Create an object collection named circlecells for all data cells from the hitoriGrid
table belonging to the circles class.
d. For each cell in the circleCells object collection, test whether the background
color is black . If it is, change the font color to red .
e. After a half-second delay, run the unpeek() function.
10. Create the unpeek() function. The purpose of this function is to remove the hints cre-
ated by the peek() function and to restore the font colors to their previous state. Add
the following commands to the function:
a. Create an object collection named allcells referencing all of the data cells in the
hitoriGrid table.
b. For each data cell in the allCells collection, test whether the font color is red . If
the color is red and the cell belongs to the blocks class, change its color to black ;
otherwise, change its font color to white .
11. Create the showsolution() function. The purpose of this function is to show the com-
plete puzzle solution. Add the following commands to the function:
a. Create an object collection named circlecells for all of the data cells in the
hitoriGrid table belonging to the circles class.
b. For each cell in the circleCells collection: i) set the font color to black ; ii) set the
background color to white ; and iii) set the background image to url(circle.png) .
c. Create an object collection named blockcells for all of the data cells in the
hitoriGrid table belonging to the blocks class.
d. For each cell in the blockCells collection: i) set the font color to white ; ii) set the
background color to black ; and iii) set the background image to none .
12. Add comments throughout the file documenting your work.
13. Save your changes to the file, and then load hitori.htm in your Web browser.
14. Verify that you can switch puzzles by clicking the Puzzle buttons at the top of the
page, and that you are prompted to confirm whether you want to change your puz-
zle. Verify that you can view the complete solution to each puzzle by clicking the
Show Solution button.
15. Verify that when you click each cell, the background changes from gray, to a circle,
to black. (Note: If you click the number within each cell, your browser might select
the cell number in addition to changing the cell background.)
16. Verify that you can test for errors by clicking the Peek! button, and that your errors
are displayed in a red font for about half a second.
17. Solve the first puzzle using the solution provided in Figure 13-37. Verify that you
receive a congratulatory message upon successfully completing the puzzle.
18. You are welcome to solve the second and third puzzles on your own, but they are
not part of the assignment. Submit your completed files to your instructor, in either
printed or electronic form, as requested.
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