HTML and CSS Reference
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f. Create a variable named timetext containing the text
[ hours : minutes : seconds ]
where hours , minutes , and seconds are the values of the hours , minutes , and
seconds variables, respectively.
g. Using the unshift() array method, insert the value of the timeText variable at
the start of the bidTime array.
h. Call the writeBid() function to write the complete array of bids to the Web page.
Remember that there are no parameters required for this function.
6. Create a function named removebid() . The purpose of this function is to remove the
first entry from the bidders , bids , and bidTime arrays. Add the following commands
to the function:
a. Using the shift() array method, remove the first entry from the bidders array.
b. In the same way, use the shift() method to remove the first entry from the bids
and bidTime arrays.
c. Call the writeBid() function to rewrite the revised array of bids to the Web page.
7. Document your work with comments throughout the code.
8. Save your changes to the file, and then return to the auction.htm file in your text
9. Scroll down the document to the Submit input button. Add an event handler attri-
bute to run the addBid() function when the button is clicked.
10. Add an event handler attribute to the Remove Last Bid button to run the removeBid()
function when the button is clicked.
11. Save your changes to the file, and then open auction.htm in your Web browser.
Enter new bids in the Bidder ID and Bid Amount input fields. Click the Submit but-
ton to update the bidding history and the Latest Bid field. Verify that the newest bid
entries are placed at the top of the bidding history. Click the Remove Last Bid button
and verify that the latest bid is removed from the list.
12. Submit your completed Web site to your instructor, in either printed or electronic
form, as requested.
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