HTML and CSS Reference
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If partyType equals G , barText should equal the following:
<td class='green'> </td>
Finally, if partyType equals L , barText should equal the following:
<td class='lib'> </td>
Be sure to add a break statement after each case statement so browsers do not
attempt to test additional cases after finding a match.
b. Create a for loop in which the counter variable goes from 1 up through the value
of the percent parameter in increments of 1. At each iteration, write the value of
the barText variable to the Web document.
6. Insert a function named showresults() . The purpose of this function is to show the
results of a particular race. The function has four parameters: race , name , party , and
votes . The race parameter will contain the name of the race. The name parameter
will contain the array of candidate names. The party parameter will contain the array
of party affiliations. Finally, the votes parameter will contain the array of votes for
each candidate in the race. Add the following commands to the function:
a. Declare a variable named totalv equal to the value returned by the totalVotes()
function using votes as the parameter value.
b. Write the HTML code
<h2> race </h2>
<th class='num'>Votes</th>
<th class='num'>%</th>
to the document, where race is the value of the race parameter.
7. Next, within the showResults() function, add a for loop in which the counter vari-
able starts at 0 and, while the counter is less than the length of the name array,
increase the counter in increments of 1. At each iteration of the for loop, run the
commands outlined in the following five steps:
a. Write the HTML code
<td> name ( party )</td>
<td class='num'> votes </td>
where name , party , and votes are the entries in the name , party , and votes
arrays, respectively, for the index indicated by the counter variable.
b. Create a variable named percent equal to the value returned by the calcPercent()
function. Use the current value from the votes array for the value of the item
parameter, and use the value from totalV for the value of the sum parameter.
c. Write the HTML code
<td class='num'>( percent %)</td>
where percent is the value of the percent variable.
d. Call the createBar() function using the current value of the party array and percent
as the parameter values.
e. Write a closing </tr> tag to the document.
8. After the for loop has completed within the showResults() function, write a closing
</table> tag to the document.
9. Write comments throughout your code to document your work.
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