HTML and CSS Reference
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To create the writeCalTitle() function:
1. Return to the calendar.js file in your text editor.
2. At the bottom of the file, insert the following code, as shown in Figure 12-7, being
sure that each array item value is enclosed within a set of double quotation marks
and that the line does not wrap within a quoted text string:
function writeCalTitle(calendarDay) {
/* The calendarDay parameter contains a Date object
that the calendar is based upon */
// monthName contains an array of month names
var monthName = [“January”, “February”, “March”,
“April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”,
“October”, “November”, “December”];
Figure 12-7
creating an array of month names
an array literal
Next, the function needs to extract the month value and year value from the calendar‑
Day parameter using the getMonth() and getFullYear() Date object methods. You'll
store the values in variables named thisMonth and thisYear , as follows:
var thisMonth = calendarDay.getMonth();
var thisYear = calendarDay.getFullYear();
Finally, the function will write the HTML code for the first table row of the monthly
calendar. The table for the monthly calendar will have seven columns, so the header cell
containing the calendar title has to span seven columns. Recall that the heading row also
will have the id attribute value calendar_head . Thus, the HTML code for the heading row is
<th id='calendar_head' colspan='7'>
Month Year
where Month is the month name and Year is the four-digit year value. The year value
is simply the value of the thisYear variable. The thisMonth variable tells you the month
value and ranges from 0 (for January) to 11 (for December). Note that the thisMonth
values match the index numbers from the monthName array. For example, the first item
in the monthName array is January, which has an index value of 0. Thus, to retrieve the
name of the month, you can use the following expression:
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