HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Session 6.1 Quick Check
1. Provide the code to create a form with the name registration that accesses the
CGI script at us ing the post method.
2. What different roles do the name and id attributes assume when applied to the
following input element?
<input id=”lastName” name=”lastName” />
3. Provide the code to create a field set containing the legend text Contact
Information .
4. Provide the code to create an input box for the data field custPassword that
will prevent the text of the user's password from being displayed on the screen
as it is typed.
5. What are two ways of associating a field label with a control element?
6. Provide the code to create a field label with the text User Name that is associ-
ated with the input box with the id userinput .
7. Provide the code to create an input box for the country field with the default
text United States .
8. Provide the code to create an input box for the socialSecurity field. Use
HTML attributes to set the width of the box to 11 characters and to display the
placeholder text nnn-nn-nnnn .
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