HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Tammy wants to use a Web font for the heading on the page. She has stored the CSS
code for the font defi nition in the CloisterBlack.txt fi le. Open this fi le, copy the CSS
code, and then go to the hs_styles.css style sheet fi le. Paste the copied CSS code into
the fi le below the comment header.
4. Create a style rule for the page body, set the background color to white , and set the
default font list to Trebuchet MS , Helvetica , and sans-serif .
5. Create a style rule for unordered lists within the nav element that: a) sets the back-
ground color to the value ( 248, 175, 175 ); b) sets the line height to 3.5em ; c)
removes the bullet marker; d) sets the width of the padding-left property to 0  pix-
els; and e) indents the text 5 pixels. For the fi rst list item, create a style rule to: a)
increase the font size to 150% ; b) display the text in small caps; and c) display the
text in bold . For every hypertext link within the navigation list, create a style that
removes the underlining and sets the font color to white .
6. When the user hovers the mouse pointer over list items in the navigation list, change
the background color to the value ( 148, 51, 62 ). When the user hovers the mouse
pointer over a hypertext link in the navigation list, change the font color to yellow .
7. Tammy has placed a promotional photo in a fi gure box. Set the background color
of fi gure boxes to the color value ( 248, 175, 175 ) and center the contents of fi gure
boxes. For the caption within the fi gure box, add styles to: a) set the font size to
14  pixels; b) display the text in italic ; and c) center the caption text.
8. For h1 headings nested within the section element, create a style rule to: a) set the
background color to the value ( 148, 51, 62 ); b) set the font color to white ; c) use the
font list containing the CloisterBlack and fantasy fonts; d) set the font size to 2.5em ;
e) remove boldface from the text; f) set the kerning to 0.3em ; g) set the line height to
2em ; and h) indent the text 5 pixels.
9. For h2 headings nested within the section element, create a style rule to: a) set the
background color to the value ( 182, 134, 52 ); b) set the font color to white for older
browsers and to the color value ( 255, 255, 255 ) with an opacity of 0.8 for newer
browsers; c) set the font weight to normal ; d) set the kerning to 0.7em ; and e) indent
the text 1em .
10. For unordered lists directly after h2 headings nested within the section element,
create a style rule that displays the image fi le fl ake.png as the bullet marker.
11. For address elements nested within the footer element, create a style rule to: a)
set the background to the color ( 148, 51, 62 ); b) set the font color to white for older
browsers and to the value ( 255, 255, 255 ) with 80% opacity for newer browsers; c)
change the font style to normal weight in small caps, 0.8em in size with a line
height of 4em , and use fonts from the list Palatino Linotype , Book Antiqua , Palatino ,
and serif ; and d) center the address text.
12. Add comments to the style sheet to document what you've done.
13. Save your changes to the hs_styles.css style sheet.
14. Return to the holiday.htm fi le in your text editor and link to the hs_styles.css fi le.
15. Open the holiday.htm fi le in your Web browser and verify that the page matches the
page shown in Figure 3-61.
16. Submit your completed fi les to your instructor, in either printed or electronic form,
as requested.
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