HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
where elem is the name of the element. Thus, the style rule
h1.intro {color: blue;}
causes the text of all h1 headings that belong to the intro class to appear in blue.
While id and class are the most common attributes to use with selectors, any
attribute or attribute value can be the basis for a selector. Figure 3-23 lists the selector
patterns that are based on attributes and their values.
Figure 3-23
Attribute selectors
The element with the id
value, id
The element with the
id intro
All elements with the
class value, class
All elements belong-
ing to the main class
All elem elements with
the class value class
All paragraphs
belonging to the
main class
elem [ att ]
All elem elements
containing the att
All hypertext elements
containing the href
elem [ att= text ”]
All elem elements
whose att attribute
equals text
All hypertext elements
whose href attribute
equals gloss.htm
elem [ att~ =” text ”]
All elem elements whose
att attribute contains
the word text
All hypertext elements
whose rel attribute
contains the word
elem [ att| =” text ”]
All elem elements whose
att attribute value is
a hyphen-separated
list of words beginning
with text
All paragraphs whose
id attribute starts
with the word first in
a hyphen-separated
list of words
elem [ att^ =” text ”]
All elem elements whose
att attribute begins
with text (CSS3)
All hypertext elements
whose rel attribute
begins with prev
elem [ att $=” text ”]
All elem elements whose
att attribute ends with
text (CSS3)
All hypertext elements
whose href attribute
ends with org
elem [ att *=” text ”]
All elem elements whose
att attribute contains
the value text (CSS3)
All hypertext elements
whose href attribute
contains the text
string faq
All current browsers support the attribute selector patterns listed in Figure 3-23; be
aware, however, that some older browsers—primarily IE6—may not support these selec-
tors in your style sheets.
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