HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Write Clearly and Accessibly
When you write, your language should be free of buzzwords and jargon that will
weaken your message, or make it diffi cult for your reader to understand your meaning.
Create Your Own Web Site
The Web has become an important medium for advertising yourself. By making your
resume available online, you can quickly get prospective employers the information
they need to make a hiring decision. There are many sites that will assist you in writ-
ing and posting your resume. They will also, for a fee, present your online resume to
employers in your chosen fi eld. Assuming you don't want to pay to use such a site,
you can also create your own Web site containing your employment history and tal-
ents. In this exercise, you'll use the skills you learned in Tutorials 1 and 2 to design
your own Web site and create an online resume.
Note: Please be sure not to include any personal information of a sensitive nature in
the documents you create to be submitted to your instructor for this exercise. Later
on, you can update the documents with such information for your own personal use.
1. Collect material about yourself that would be useful in an online resume. You
should include material for a page on your employment history, talents and special
interests, a general biography, and a summary of the main points of your resume.
2. Create a storyboard outlining the pages on your Web site. Clearly indicate the
links between the pages. Make sure that your site is easy to navigate no matter
which page users start on.
3. Collect or create graphical image fi les to make your site interesting to viewers. If
you obtain graphics from the Web, be sure to follow all copyright restrictions on
the material.
4. Start designing your site's home page. It should include an interesting and help-
ful logo. The home page should be brief and to the point, summarizing the main
features of your resume. Its height should not be greater than two screens.
5. Add other pages containing more detailed information. Each page should have a
basic theme and topic. The pages should follow a unifi ed theme and design.
6. Use the em and strong elements to highlight important ideas. Do not overuse
these page elements; doing so can detract from your page's readability rather
than enhancing it.
7. Use numbered and bulleted lists to list the main points in your resume.
8. Use block quotes to highlight recommendations from colleagues and former
9. Use the hr element to divide longer pages into topical sections.
10. If sites on the Web would be relevant to your online resume (such as the Web
sites of former or current employers), include links to those sites.
11. Include a link to your e-mail address. Write the e-mail address link so that it
automatically adds an appropriate subject line to the e-mail message it creates.
12. Save your completed Web site and present it to your instructor.
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