HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
filter: type parameters
Applies transition and filter effects to elements, where type is the
type of filter and parameters are parameter values specific to the
filter (IE only)
image-orientation: angle
Rotates the image by the specified angle (CSS3)
Specifies the direction of a marquee, where direction is forward
or reverse (CSS3)
marquee-play-count: value Specifies how often to loop through the marquee (CSS3)
marquee-speed: speed Specifies the speed of the marquee, where speed is slow, normal,
or fast (CSS3)
marquee-style: type Specifies the marquee style, where type scroll, slide, or
alternate (CSS3)
opacity: alpha Sets opacity of the element, ranging from 0 (transparent) to 1
(opaque) (CSS3)
perspective: value Applies a perspective transformation to the element, where value
is the perspective length (CSS3)
perspective-origin: origin Establishes the origin of the perspective property, where origin is
left, center, right, top, bottom, or a position value (CSS3)
rotation: angle Rotates the element by angle (CSS3)
rotation-point: position Sets the location of the rotation point for the element (CSS3)
transform: function Applies a 2-D or a 3-D transformation, where function provides
the transformation parameters (CSS3)
transform-origin: position Establishes the origin of the transformation of an element, where
position is the position within the element (CSS3)
transform-style: type
Defines how nested elements are rendered in 3-D space, where
type is flat or preserve-3d (CSS3)
transition: property
duration timing delay
Defines a timed transition of an element, where property ,
duration , timing , and delay define the appearance and timing of
the transition (CSS3)
transition-delay: time
Sets the delay time of the transition in milliseconds (CSS3)
transition-duration: time
Sets the duration time of the transition in milliseconds (CSS3)
transition-property: type
Defines the name of the CSS property modified by the transition,
where type is all or none (CSS3)
Sets the timing function of the transition, where type is ease, linear,
ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, cubic-Bezier, or a number (CSS3)
Styles to format the appearance of tables
border-collapse: type
Determines whether table cell borders are separate or collapsed
into a single border, where type is separate, collapse, or inherit
border-spacing: length
If separate borders are used for table cells, defines the distance
between borders, where length is a CSS unit of length or inherit
caption-side: type
Defines the position of the caption element, where type is bottom,
left, right, top, or inherit
empty-cells: type
If separate borders are used for table cells, defines whether to dis-
play borders for empty cells, where type is hide, show, or inherit
table-layout: type
Defines the algorithm used for the table layout, where type is
auto (to define the layout once all table cells have been read),
fixed (to define the layout after the first table row has been read),
or inherit
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