HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Pseudo-classes are classes of HTML elements that defi ne the condition or state of the ele-
ment in the Web page. Many pseudo-classes were introduced in CSS2.
Pseudo-Class Matches
:canvas The rendering canvas of the document
:first The first printed page of the document (used only with print styles created
with the @print rule)
:last The last printed page of the document (used only with print styles created
with the @print rule)
:left The left side of a two-sided printout (used only with print styles created
with the @print rule)
:right The right side of a two-sided printout (used only with print styles cre-
ated with the @print rule)
:root The root element of the document
e :active The element, e , that is being activated by the user (usually applies only
to hyperlinks)
e :checked The checkbox or radio button, e , that has been checked (CSS3)
e :disabled The element, e , that has been disabled in the document (CSS3)
e :empty The element, e , that has no children
e :enabled The element, e , that has been enabled in the document (CSS3)
e :first-child The element, e , which is the first child of its parent element
e :first-node The first occurrence of the element, e , in the document tree
e :first-of-type The first element of type e (CSS3)
e :focus The element, e , that has received the focus of the cursor
e :hover The mouse pointer is hovering over the element, e
e :lang( text ) Sets the language, text , associated with the element, e
e :last-child The element, e , that is the last child of its parent element (CSS3)
e :last-of-type The last element of type e (CSS3)
e :link The element, e , has not been visited yet by the user (applies only to
e :not Negate the selector rule for the element, e , applying the style to all e
elements that do not match the selector rules
e :nth-child( n ) Matches n th child of the element, e ; n can also be the keywords odd or
even (CSS3)
e :nth-last-child( n ) Matches n th child of the element, e , counting up from the last child; n
can also be the keywords odd or even (CSS3)
e :nth-of-type( n ) Matches n th element of type e ; n can also be the keywords odd or even
e :nth-last-of-type( n ) Matches n th element of type e , counting up from the last child; n can
also be the keywords odd or even (CSS3)
e :only-child
Matches element e only if it is the only child of its parent (CSS3)
e :only-of-type
Matches element e only if it is the only element of its type nested within
its parent (CSS3)
e :target
Matches an element, e , that's the target of the identifier in the docu-
ment's URL (CSS3)
e :visited
The element, e , has been already visited by the user (to only the
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