HTML and CSS Reference
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Form control representing the result of a calculation (HTML5)
ƒƒƒname=" text "
Specifies the name part of the name/value pair associated with the field
ƒƒƒform=" id "
Specifies the id of the form associated with the field
ƒƒƒfor=" text list "
Lists the id references associated with the calculation
Marks the enclosed content as a paragraph
ƒƒƒalign=” align
Horizontally aligns the contents of the paragraph where align is left, center,
right, or justify (obsolete)
Marks parameter values sent to an object element or an applet element
ƒƒƒname=” text
Specifies the parameter name
ƒƒƒtype=” mime-type
Specifies the mime-type of the resource indicated by the value attribute
ƒƒƒvalue=” text
Specifies the parameter value
ƒƒƒvaluetype=” data |
Specifies the data type of the value attribute (obsolete)
Marks the enclosed text as preformatted text, retaining white space from the
Represents the progress of completion of a task (HTML5)
ƒƒƒvalue=" value "
Specifies how much of the task has been completed
ƒƒƒmax=" value "
Specifies how much work the task requires in total
Marks the enclosed text as a quotation
ƒƒƒcite=” url
Provides the source URL of the quoted content
Used in ruby annotations to define what to show browsers that do not support
the ruby element (HTML5)
Defines explanation to ruby annotations (HTML5)
Defines ruby annotations (HTML5)
Marks the enclosed text as strikethrough text
Marks the enclosed text as a sequence of literal characters
Encloses client-side scripts within the document; this element can be placed
within the head or the body element or it can refer to an external script file
Specifies that the script should be executed asynchronously as soon as it
becomes available (HTML5)
ƒƒƒcharset=” charƒcode
Specifies the character encoding of the script
Defers execution of the script
ƒƒƒlanguage=” text
Specifies the language of the script (obsolete)
ƒƒƒsrc=” url
Provides the URL of an external script file
ƒƒƒtype=” mime-type
Specifies the mime-type of the script
Structural element representing a section of the document (HTML5)
Creates a selection field (drop-down list box) in a Web form
Specifies that the browser should give focus to the selection field as soon as the
page loads (HTML5)
ƒƒƒdatafld=” text
Identifies the column from a data source that supplies bound data for the selec-
tion field (IE only)
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