HTML and CSS Reference
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Specifies whether to automatically loop back to the beginning of the audio clip
ƒƒƒsrc=” url
Provides the source of the audio clip
Mark text offset from its surrounding content without conveying any extra
emphasis or importance
Specifies global reference information for the document
ƒƒƒhref=” url
Specifies the URL from which all relative links in the document are based
ƒƒƒtarget=” text
Specifies the target window or frame for links in the document
Specifies the font setting for the document text (deprecated)
ƒƒƒcolor=” color
Specifies the text color (deprecated)
ƒƒƒface=” textƒlist
Specifies a list of fonts to be applied to the text (deprecated)
ƒƒƒsize=” integer
Specifies the size of the font range from 1 (smallest) to 7 (largest) (deprecated)
Marks text that is isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirec-
tional text formatting (HTML5)
Indicates that the enclosed text should be rendered with the direction specified
by the dir attribute
Increases the size of the enclosed text relative to the default font size
Marks content as quoted from another source
Provides the source URL of the quoted content
Marks the page content to be rendered by the browser
ƒƒƒalink=” color
Specifies the color of activated links in the document (obsolete)
ƒƒƒbackground=” url
Specifies the background image file used for the page (obsolete)
ƒƒƒbgcolor=” color
Specifies the background color of the page (obsolete)
ƒƒƒlink=” color
Specifies the color of unvisited links (obsolete)
ƒƒƒmarginheight=” integer
Specifies the size of the margin above and below the page (obsolete)
ƒƒƒmarginwidth=” integer
Specifies the size of the margin to the left and right of the page (obsolete)
ƒƒƒtext=” color
Specifies the color of page text (obsolete)
ƒƒƒvlink=” color
Specifies the color of previously visited links (obsolete)
Inserts a line break into the page
ƒƒƒclear=” none |left|ƒ
Displays the line break only when the specified margin is clear (obsolete)
Creates a form button
Gives the button the focus when the page is loaded (HTML5)
Disables the button
ƒƒƒform=" text "
Specifies the form to which the button belongs (HTML5)
ƒƒƒformaction=" url "
Specifies the URL to which the form data is sent (HTML5)
ƒƒƒformenctype=" mime-type "
Specifies the encoding of the form data before it is sent (HTML5)
Specifies the HTTP method with which the form data is submitted
ƒƒƒ" formnovalidate "
Specifies that the form should not be validated during submission (HTML5)
ƒƒƒformtarget=" text "
Provides a name for the target of the button (HTML5)
ƒƒƒname=” text
Provides the name assigned to the form button
ƒƒƒtype=” submit |reset|button”
Specifies the type of form button
ƒƒƒvalue=” text
Provides the value associated with the form button
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