HTML and CSS Reference
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The JavaScript program you'll design will need to use recursion to navigate through
the entire structure of Jorge's article. As it proceeds through the article, it will record each
element, attribute, and text node and display those nodes in a nested list alongside the
article text. The CSS styles for the nested list already have been created for you; your only
job will be to generate the HTML code of the nested list. Jorge also wants your code to
keep a running count of the total number of nodes, element nodes, attributes, and text
nodes, including text nodes containing only white space.
Complete the following:
1. Using your text editor, open nodestxt.htm and treetxt.js from the tutorial.14\case2
folder. Enter your name and the date in the comment section, and then save the files
as nodes.htm and tree.js , respectively.
2. Go to the nodes.htm file in your text editor and add a link element to connect the
document to the tree.css style sheet. Also add a script element to connect the file
to the tree.js JavaScript file.
3. Take some time to study the contents and structure of the document and then close
the file, saving your changes.
4. Go to the tree.js file in your text editor. Declare the following global variables:
nodecount to keep a running count of all of the nodes in the source document;
elemcount to count the element nodes; attcount to count the attribute nodes;
textcount to count the text nodes; and wscount to count the text nodes containing
white space only. Set the initial value of all of these variables to 0 .
5. Insert a command to run the setup() function when the page is initially loaded by the
6. Create the writeelemli() function. The purpose of this function is to create a single
list item for the node tree diagram based on the contents of an element node. The
structure of the list item is shown in Figure 14-68.
Figure 14-68
list item displaying information about an element node
< elem att1 =' value1 '
att2 =' value2 ' … >
The function has two parameters: elemnode , which represents the element node from
the source document on which the list item is based, and nestedlist , which represents
the nested list that the list item will be appended to. Add the following commands to the
a. Create a list item element named lielem containing the text string +-- .
b. Create a span element named spanelem . Set the class attribute of the span ele-
ment to elemli . (Hint: Use the className property to set the value of the class
c. Declare a variable named elemtext setting its initial value to the text string
< elem
where elem is the node name of the element specified in the elemNode
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