Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Step Nine:
As you look around her hair, if you see
parts of it that are tinted red, those parts
aren't selected. So, just paint a stroke or
two over those areas (like I'm doing here),
and they become full-color (letting you
know they're added to your selection)
as Photoshop refines those edge areas
where you're painting. It'll look like it's
painting in white sometimes, but when
you're done, it just redefines the area and
tells Photoshop that this area needs some
work, and it “redoes” its thing. Here, I've
gone over some areas that were tinted
red on the left side of her hair, and on the
right side, too, and you can see those
areas are now appearing in color. I also
increased the Radius amount a bit.
Step 10:
I recommend avoiding the Adjust Edge
section sliders in the center of the dia-
log altogether, because you'll spend too
much time fussing with them, trying to
make them work. (I figure you want me
to tell you when to avoid stuff, too.) Down
at the bottom of the dialog, there's a
Decontaminate Colors checkbox, which
basically desaturates the edge pixels a
bit. So, when you place this image on
a different background, the edge color
doesn't give you away. Just below that,
you get to choose what the result of all
this will be: will your selected subject be
sent over to a new blank document, or
just a new layer in this document, or a new
layer with a layer mask already attached,
etc.? I always choose to make a new layer
with a layer mask in the same document.
That way, I can just grab the Brush tool
and fix any areas that might have dropped
out, which we're probably going to have
to do next, so choose New Layer with
Layer Mask and click OK.
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