Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Six:
Lastly, we can darken the sky a bit by
burning over it, as well. Just remember—
while you're painting, keep your mouse
button held down the whole time, or part
of your sky will be one shade darker, and
then another part might be two shades
darker (where the two areas overlap). One
more thing: up in the Options Bar you'll
see a checkbox for Protect Tones. That's
the checkbox that helps to keep the color
of what you're dodging and burning in-
tact, so things just get brighter or darker,
and not sunburned and color saturated.
I leave this on all the time, even when
I'm not dodging and burning portraits
(which is when it's most useful). Below
is a before/after, and while I'm usually
fairly subtle with my dodging and burn-
ing, here I took things a little farther
than I normally would, just to show a
clear example of the power of dodging
and burning.
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