Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
English Heritage (2000), Power of Place: The Future of the Historic Environment , December,
London, English Heritage.
Gates, C. (2002), Worthy Inheritance , Building Design , 29 November, p. 9. This article
draws attention to the skills shortage in conservation architecture and highlights
both the different approach and different set of priorities required for working in
the heritage market.
Heritage Lottery Fund (2002), Sustaining Our Living Heritage: Skills and Training for the
Heritage Sector . February, London, Heritage Lottery Fund.
International Scientific Committee for Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Archi-
tectural Heritage (2003), Recommendations for the Analysis, Conservation and Structural
Restoration of Architectural Heritage.
Traditional Building Craft Skills, Assessing the need, meeting the challenge , The National
Heritage training Group, published 2005 in England and 2007 in Scotland and Wales.
Watt, D. and Colston, B. (2003), Maintenance Education and Training for Listed Buildings,
London, Maintain our Heritage.
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