Biology Reference
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2.5 Electrochemical Aptasensors Based on a Direct Assay
Some papers have used the catalytic activity of thrombin for the
determination of this protein. α -Human thrombin is a highly spe-
cific serine protease that catalyses the hydrolysis of the throm-
bin chromogenic substrate, β -Ala-Gly-Arg- p -nitroaniline producing
p -nitroaniline. The rate of yellow colored p -nitroaniline formation
can be followed by its UV absorption at 405 nm, or electrochemi-
cally by the reduction of its nitro group. The electrochemical detec-
by enzyme substrate the formation rate of p -nitroaniline is propor-
tionalto the enzymeconcentration.
Mir et al. [17] first reported the detection of thrombin bound
to an aptamer selective for thrombin by the quantification of
p -nitroaniline produced by the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by
A mixed self-assembled monolayer was used for the aptamer
immobilization on the gold electrode. The aptamer-modified elec-
trodes were then incubated for 1 h at 37 C with thrombin
(18 μ g/mL). Electrochemical measurements were recorded in the
thin-layer cell configured to contain a total volume of 20 μ L.
Thrombin chromogenic substrate ( β -Ala-Gly-Arg- p -nitroaniline)
was injected into the cell and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)
measurementsbetween 0.2and 1Vwithapulseheightof 0.05
V and pulse duration of 70 ms were carried out. The DPV measure-
ments showed that β -Ala-Gly-Arg- p -nitroaniline substrate and the
p -nitroanilineproducthavedifferentredoxpotentials.Moreover,the
DPV experiments showed a current peak at 0.45 V in the pres-
ence of the thrombin substrate. After 5 min, the peak at
0.45 V
decreased and a new peak was detected at
0.70 V, indicating the
formationof p -nitroaniline.Thesamemeasurementscarriedouton
experiment bovine serum albumin (BSA) substituted thrombin and
in this case onlythe peak at 0.45 V was measured.
The authors demonstrated a huge reduction in the assay time
considering that the optical detection of p -nitroaniline needed 3 h
against 5 min necessary for the electrochemical measurement.
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